Bonus Day

Happy Leap Day 2024, friends! On this special bonus day, I’m offering you some bonus content. Below is an article written by my husband, Chris, which inspired me to look at each day a little differently. I hope it speaks to you as much as it did me. Enjoy this extra day!!

Blessings and Peace,


I’m writing this on February 28 – typically the last day of the month.  BUT – not this year.  I know, it isn’t exactly news that every fourth year there is an extra day added to the month of February as a way to keep our seasons from getting even further out of whack (you know, like 80 degrees in February).  Tomorrow (likely today by the time you read this) is a bonus day, that special day added to the calendar once every four years to account for the fact that the Earth actually takes 364.25 days to orbit the sun. 

February 29 is one of those oddities of life.  Have you ever known someone born on February 29?  I’ve known at least 4 people with 2/29 birthdays.  I had the joy of celebrating with a church member several years ago his “21st” birthday.  It was fun to be with the 84-year-old man and his family as they playfully celebrated this milestone. 

I’ve always had this draw to February 29 as a “bonus day” or “gift day” because it does only come around once every 4 years.  It is something that doesn’t happen all that often and seems like it should be celebrated.  (Although, this year, I’m pretty sure the calendar doesn’t leave a lot of room to do anything too special.  We’ll see.)

But here’s the thing we forget sometimes: Yes, February 29 is special, but so are all the other days.  I shared a prayer above. This isn’t a new prayer, I didn’t develop it or just discover it.  I remember a professor of mine in seminary starting every class period with this prayer, and that is where it became meaningful to me. I say some form of this prayer most mornings prior to getting out of bed.  It reminds me that every day can be a special day. 

Every day is a “gift day” or “bonus day.”  Every day that my eyes open, that I get to spend with family and friends, that I get to participate in the building of God’s kingdom, every one of those days are bonus days. 

On this “Bonus Day,” I pray that God would stir up in you a desire to serve him, to live peacefully with your neighbors, and to devote EACH day to our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord.

